How You Do One Thing is How You Do Everything

When you think about your life, is there anything that feels off balance or out of control?

When I start working with new clients we always take a look at the Big 5; health, money, love and relationships, career and your connection to something greater.

This is where the base for our work begins.

When one of those is not in alignment with who you truly are it’s likely that another area will be out of alignment as a result.

Not being in alignment is very common. (I am definatley a work in progress in this area. But acknowledging what I’m doing has been a big step for me. Seeing the bigger picture and how everything is intertwined has been a game changer.)

Maybe you aren’t happy in your current relationship so you are spending money to fill the void.

Maybe you aren’t happy in your current career but are holding back and you are afraid of what taking that step might look like.

How you do one thing is how you do everything. Take a look at those 5 areas of your life and if anything is feeling off, take note of how it may be effecting the rest of your life because that is how you start working towards your best life.

If you would like to take a deeper look, coaching may be perfect for you, and I would love to chat and find out! Send me a message at and I can get you some information on my current programs.

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Before you go, please grab your FREE copy of my 7 Ways to Stop Existing & Start Living Checklist and Tracker!

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Meet Shelle

Shelle lynn offers certified life, grief and loss coaching

I’m so glad that you are here! In this blog I will use compassion and kindness combined with the skills learned as a certified grief and life coach to help you navigate through loss using strength, positive mindset and gratitude.


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