Thought downloads
Have you ever had so much on your mind that you feel overwhelmed?
Do you look around your house and have so much you want to do that you don’t know where to start?
Do you know you have so much to do but instead you do nothing?
Try this. Take a blank piece of paper and just write down everything. Everything that is on your mind at the moment. Write down all what you want to get done. Write down all the positive and negative thoughts you have.
When you feel you have it all down. Read through the list. Are you finding that some of what was weighing you down isn’t as bad when you see it on paper?
Go through and prioritize what you have to get done. Schedule a time in your day to work on one thing. Do the same thing tomorrow and the next day and the next, etc.
Come back to this exercise whenever your thoughts start to get overwhelming. I find that it helps me to refocus on what is important and let go of the “stuff” that is weighing me down.
Let me know if you try it.