I know when you are in the moment of disappointment because you aren’t getting what you want, your goal isn’t happening or you are watching your dreams just drift away….there is nothing anyone could tell you to make it seem okay.
When that happens it’s sad, and depressing, and heartbreaking even.
But I want to just say this… if something hasn’t worked out the way you had hoped, there is a reason for that. Just hold on because what you need will be exactly what you get, exactly when you need it.
I know that if things had worked out how I had hoped that I wouldn’t have the blessing of looking at this face everyday.
God has his owns plans, and they are exactly as they are meant to be.
If I had given up at any point during my life I would not have had Bentley. This amazing 2 year old came into my life at the exact moment he needed to.

I mean….can you even imagine my life without him?
He is my daily reminder that I had to go through everything that I did. He is my daily reminder that if I would have done even one single thing differently he wouldn’t exist.
So yes, in the moment it sucks and in the moment we wish things are different. But I want you to hold on, I want you to believe that the purposed for any disappointment will come to you.
If you want to work though this, let’s chat. www.shellelynncoaching.com